The 28th meeting of the Division will be held at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, April 14-16, 1997. On-site registration will begin during an informal reception hosted by the Lowell Observatory in the historic Rotunda of the Slipher Building on Sunday, April 13, from 5 to 7 pm. All scientific sessions will be held in the Giclas Lecture Hall of the Observatory's Steele Visitor Center. Ample on-site parking is available.
Flagstaff is located near 7000 ft elevation. For April, the long-term means of daily maximum and minimum temperature are 57 and 26 deg F, respectively, with extremes from 78 to 0 deg. On average, there are 4 days with precipitation of 0.1 inch or more, possibly as snow.
Limited air service between Phoenix and Flagstaff is provided by America West Express with several daily flights using 19-passenger aircraft. Rental cars are available at the Flagstaff airport. Most participants may, instead, prefer to rent a car in Phoenix for their Flagstaff visit.
Flagstaff has a large array of visitor accommodations, including most motel chains. We have secured a block of 30 standard rooms at a daily rate of $49 plus taxes at La Quinta Inn (520-556-8666), a new and uncommonly attractive facility close to the city entry from Phoenix. The key word for reservations is "Lowell Observatory".
****** This Block Expires March 10 *************
For Flagstaff Visitor Information on accommodations, restaurants, etc., please contact the
Flagstaff Visitor Center, 101 W. Route 66, Flagstaff, AZ 86001
520-774-9541; 800-842-7293 [1]
A visit to Lowell Observatory's Anderson Mesa observing site with a tour of the Navy Prototype Optical Interferometer (located at that site) will be arranged for Sunday afternoon. Total time required, including travel between the city and the site, will be about 3 hours. Participants will be back in town at least 1/2 hour before the start of the reception.
The banquet will be held on Tuesday, April 15, at a facility downtown. It will be a buffet preceded by a cocktail period with a full-service, no-host cash bar.
Special speakers and guests at this meeting are as follows: Frank Shu will deliver the Brouwer Award lecture, entitled "Some Dynamical Problems in Star Formation." Doug Richstone will give a talk on the dynamics of galactic nuclei. Renu Malhotra has tentatively agreed to give an invited talk on the Kuiper Belt. Gene Shoemaker will be the banquet speaker.
The program committee chair is Jack Hills (505-667-9152, [2]); the LOC Chair is Otto Franz (520-774-3358, [3]).
The registration fee for this meeting is $25 per person.
LUNCHES: Although Flagstaff has (several) restaurants and numerous "fast-food" places, leaving Mars Hill for lunch is inconvenient and time consuming. Lunch will therefore be catered to the Observatory on Monday and Tuesday (April 14&15) at a cost of $10.00 each. It will consist of soup, salad, deli-bar sandwich, dessert-bar, and non-alcoholic beverage. Lunch(es) must be ordered and prepaid with registration on or before the March 10 deadline.
A GRAND CANYON EXCURSION has been arranged for Thursday, April 17. We leave Flagstaff by bus at 8:00 a.m. for Williams and the Grand Canyon Railroad Terminal, and expect to arrive at the Grand Canyon National Park at 11:45 a.m. We will have three hours of free time (and lunch on your own) at the South Rim Village. Departure by bus will be at 3:00 p.m. from the Bright Angel Lodge. After a brief stop at Mather Point for a final view of the Canyon, we return to Flagstaff for a 6:00 p.m. scheduled arrival.
We hold currently (only) 30 guaranteed seats on the Grand Canyon train, which is also the minimum number of participants. Reservations require pre-payment with your registration by March 10, and will be filled in the order received. We will make every effort to secure additional places if necessary. Full refund will be made for unfilled reservations. The cost is $65.00 per person (transportation and Park entry fee). For those holding Golden Eagle or Golden Age Cards issued by the National Park Service, the cost will be $59.00, provided that a copy of the card is enclosed with the reservation at the time of pre-registration.
Please complete the form and mail it with your check to Dr. Otto Franz DDA, Lowell Observatory, 1400 W. Mars Hill Rd., Flagstaff, AZ 86001. Checksshould be made payable to Lowell Observatory. The registration deadline is March 10.
As part of the next DDA meeting, there will be a special session and telescope dedication to honor Dr. Kaj Strand, former Scientific Director of the US Naval Observatory. Dr. Strand was responsible for the design and construction of the 61-inch astrometric reflector at the Flagstaff Station. The special session will be held during the regular DDA meeting and will include several invited talks on the telescope and the scientific work it made possible. This will be followed that evening with a reception for all meeting participants and invited guests at the Flagstaff Station, and will culminate in a dedication ceremony in the telescope dome. Any DDA members who know Dr. Strand and would like to wish him well on this occasion are invited to send a letter addressed to him c/o Dr. Conard Dahn, Director, USNO Flagstaff Station, PO Box 1149, Flagstaff, AZ 86002. An album of letters and photographs will be presented to Dr. Strand during the dedication.
You have four options for submitting your abstract. You are strongly encouraged to use the World Wide Web-based submission system. It is the easiest for you and for the AAS.
prompt> ftp Username: anonymous Password: your email ftp> cd meetings/dda ftp> mget * ftp> bye prompt>
If your computer does not know about, try typing the number [] on the FTP command line. Complete instructions for submitting the abstract are available in the file aasabins.txt in the above archive. If you have any questions about electronic submission while you are preparing your abstract, please contact the Executive Office for assistance. You can call the office at 202-328-2010, or send email to [7].
Electronic Acknowledgment of Abstract Receipt
When you submit your abstract electronically, you should receive the following confirmations:
Incoming abstracts are processed quickly. The abstracts are accepted and assigned running identification numbers during this stage, and notifying you of the running number. If you do not receive a confirmation, DO NOT RESUBMIT THE ABSTRACT. Please contact the Executive Office by calling 202-328-2010, or by sending email to [7]. If you submit more than once, you are likely to be charged more than once. Contacting the Executive Office will help avoid this inconvenience.
Submitting Electronic Abstracts for More than One Author
If you are submitting abstracts for a group of people in your institution, please DO NOT submit them in the same e-mail message. We do require separate e-mail messages for all abstracts. If you include more than one abstract in an e-mail message, the additional abstracts are likely to remain unprocessed.
prompt> ftp Username: anonymous Password: your email ftp> cd /ftp/meetings ftp> get ftp> bye prompt>
Print the form on your own Postscript Laserprinter and fill it out just as you would for the old printed forms. Printed abstract forms should be sent to: Dr. Jack Hills, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Theoretical Division, T-6, MS B288, Los Alamos, NM 87545.
Arthur L. Whipple, Secretary DDA
University of Texas
McDonald Observatory
Austin, Texas 78712-1083
Phone: (512) 471-6332
Internet: [9]