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The Award and Prizes of the Division on Dynamical Astronomy annually recognize a major contributor, an early career leader, and a group of of promising students in the field of Dynamical Astronomy. For the purposes of the award and prizes, the field of Dynamical Astronomy contains but is not limited to the sub-fields of celestial mechanics, astrometry, geophysics, cosmology, and star and planet formation as well as Solar System, exoplanet, planetary system, stellar system, galactic, extra-galactic, relativistic, and astrophysical fluid dynamics. The respective award and prize committees have final authority over the appropriateness of a nomination.

The DDA awards are supported by donations. You can donate through the AAS website.

Dirk Brouwer Career Award

The Dirk Brouwer Career Award recognizes annually a major contributor to the field of Dynamical Astronomy, who demonstrates excellence in scientific research, which has had a proven impact and influence in the field, and the teaching and training of students as well as provides outstanding advancement and other support of the field through administration, public service, or engineering achievement.

Vera Rubin Early Career Prize

The Vera Rubin Early Career Prize recognizes annually an early career dynamicist, who demonstrates excellence in scientific research in Dynamical Astronomy or closely related fields, which has had impact and influence on these fields, and shows a promise of continued excellence as demonstrated by past practice in research, teaching, and the advancement and support of the field of Dynamical Astronomy.

Raynor L. Duncombe Student Research Prizes

The Raynor L. Duncombe Student Research Prizes are awarded annually to a small number of students, on a competitive basis, to help defray the cost of attending the Division on Dynamical Astronomy Annual Meeting.