Are you a member of the American Astronomical Society? If not, you can find out how to join by going to the AAS Membership web page. AAS membership includes the option of joining any of the AAS Divisions. Alternatively, you may be eligible to become an Affiliate Member of the DDA.
If you are an active AAS member, the DDA dues are $20 for Full, International Affiliate, Educator Affiliate, Alumni Affiliate, and Amateur Affiliate Members; and $0 for Graduate Student Members, Undergraduate Student Members, and Emeritus Members.
Make your dues payment through your AAS account, under "Pay My Dues".
If you are an Emeritus member of the AAS, your DDA dues are waived. However, please notify both the AAS and the DDA Secretary of your decision to join the DDA.
If you are not a member of the AAS but are a member of another professional society (e.g. AMS, IAU, AAAS, AGU), then you may become an affiliate member of the DDA. What is the difference between an affiliate member and a regular member? By design, very little: affiliate members have all the rights, privileges and responsibilities of regular members, except that they may not hold any DDA office. Also, the affiliate membership fee is higher ($25.00 instead of $20.00), due to costs of extra administration. The intent of affiliate membership is to provide a means for researchers who belong to professional societies other than the AAS and with interests related to dynamical astronomy to join the DDA.
To become an affiliate member of the DDA, you must complete the online application form.