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Presentation Tips

Presentation Guidelines and Tips

Contributed Posters


  • Approximately an hour per day is set aside for poster viewing, it is helpful and effective to stand at or be near your poster during those times.
  • Posters may be hung after 8 am on Monday, 16 April 2018 and must be removed by 1 pm on Thursday, 19 April 2018.
  • Your poster must fit within the 44" x 44" display area provided.


Contributed Talks


  • Twelve minutes are allowed for the oral presentation and three minutes for open discussion/Q&A.
  • You will be provided a nine minute warning.
  • Please be ready with your presentation materials (laptop, dongle, etc.) before your talk to set-up during the previous speakers Q&A.
  • Test your presentation equipment prior to the start of the session (before start of the day, during the coffee break, or lunch) with your session chair.
  • A laser pointer and slide advance clicker will be provided.
  • A laptop can be made available but should be requested in advance of the start of the session.


  • When preparing your presentation, we suggest a maximum of ten slides for a twelve-minute talk.
  • Slides should be uncluttered and easy to read.
  • Practice a few times so the presentation fits comfortably into the twelve-minute slot.

Invited Talks


  • Twenty-five minutes are allowed for the oral presentation and five minutes for open discussion/Q&A.
  • You will be provided a twenty minute warning.
  • See the Guidelines and Tips for the Contributed Talks

Prize Talks


  • Thirty-five minutes are allowed for the oral presentation and ten minutes for open discussion/Q&A.
  • You will be provided a thirty minute warning.
  • See the Guidelines and Tips for the Contributed Talks